As mentioned a few weeks ago, I'm doing a sort-of-major shake-up of the game collection. The point is that I have many more games than I play, and I only want to have a few more games than I play. It occurred to me that if I did get rid of some of the games that I did play and didn't like very much that would be a good thing, but my optimism maintains its stratospheric heights, and a lot of games are staying in case they get better with experience and I get an opponent who likes them, and all that sort of stuff.
The first obvious result has been the reorganisation of the games shelves. I now have one set of shelves for kids and party games, one set of shelves for word and abstract games, and one set of shelves for proper good games. Of course I love the word and abstract games as well, but it's harder to find opponents for them. I'll take photos one day, but if I do it this evening the light won't be good and the photos will be grainy.
I also revised my ratings on BGG. Mostly it was minor, but I did promote a whole lot of 9s to 10s.
Attika - my purchases of
Taluva and
Funny Friends last year really made me take notice of Marcel-Andre Casasola-Merkla as a designer.
Attika is a very nice combination of (sort of) economic engine and connection game. It plays very nicely with 2 to 4 players.
Domaine - I previously had this at a 10, but I tired of it a little but now I'm hungry to play again. It's bordering on too aggressive for me, but I know that being attacked is a sign of weakness and the game is all about managing your weakness to hold together your domaines long enough to win the game. I much prefer the simple card purchase system over the
Lowenherz auction, and I like the geometrical challenge of getting the limited number of fences into the right places.
Hare and Tortoise - It's a serious math nerd game and I'm a serious math nerd. Sometimes it's just frustrating
as described in my session report, but I realise now that I should have been using a different strategy and it was my own fault for losing.
Rheinlander - This is now my only 10 I don't own, and I've never even won it - CyberKev has beaten me every time. I really can't grok the scoring system. But I love the way the duchies can expand and threaten each other and sometimes the card you desperately need really does show up. And it's all over in 45 minutes! My plan is for this to be my first purchase of the new year.
St Petersburg - Yes, it's a very strange game, but once you get past the shooting-yourself-in-the-foot stage it's brilliantly tactical. I love the art work, I love the theme, and I love economic engines. That Michael Tummelhofer sure is a smart guy.
Tigris and Euphrates - another sort-of aggressive game, but you just have to realise that the empires are not
mine and
yours, they are
mine and
ours. It's a sharing game! I love the connection / disconnection aspects, and the possibility of really great moves.
Tikal - A very thinky game, with connection aspects and the potential for great moves again. Hey, I'm seeing a theme here! It involves a lot of counting, but that's something that sort of comes naturally to me, and my plotting and planning keeps me engaged for the entire game.
Torres - Another game with connection aspects and the potential for great moves. I love the way someone tries to escape onto a really tall tower all by themselves, and maybe with the right action card and a cunning plan you can catch them and take their stuff. The components are stunning, and sometimes I just scatter them on my bed and roll around naked. Oh hang on, no, that's a different game.