Monday, January 09, 2012

Beyond Maths Trades

The maths traders in Australia were discussing whether it was possible in a maths trade to offer multiple items in exchange for one in a maths trade. No it's not, it doesn't even nearly work for reasons which are obvious to mathematicians. However I thought about it for a bit, and realised that with the introduction of a pricing mechanism, there can be such a trade. So I borrowed some symbols from the Z Notation (in which I was trained as an undergrad) and wrote this spec:

Let I be the set of items in the trade.
Let U be the set of users in the trade.
Let P be the set of prices, objects that can be summed and are totally ordered.

# every item has an owner, "\fun" means total function
owns : I \fun U

 # if you don't own anything you're not in trade
ran(owns) = U

# some people assign values to some things, "\pfun" means partial function
values : U \cross I \pfun P

# For each user u, there is a function vu, which is the values that user places on items
vu = { (i,p) | (u,i) \mapsto p \in values }

# and that user at least values the things they own
\forallu:U @ owns~\limg{u}\rimg \subseteq dom(vu)

# Then a valid solution to the trade is an assignment of items to users
s : I \pfun U

# the items received by u are
ru = s~\limg{u}\rimg

# the items sent by u are
su = owns~\limg{u}\rimg \cat ran(s)

# such that nothing is assigned to the person it came from
s \cap owns = \emptyset

# and everyone gets a bargain, by their own personal pricing rules
\forallu:ran(s) @ Σ (i \in ru) vu(i) \geq Σ (i \in su) vu(i)

# For a solution to be useful, it must be non-trivial:
\neq \emptyset

# and furthermore, we would like to restrict ourselves to minimal solutions so as to not make offered trades incomprehensibly complex, so if t is a solution, then t is not a subset of s (can't find the right symbols to write that!)

It occurs to me that blogspot is maybe not the ideal medium for writing specifications.


Chris Okasaki said...

We tried an experimental trade like that once:
This was with only limited software support, and with the results mostly being calculated by hand.

I think the "minimal solution" criterion would rule out a big trade that was the union of two smaller disjoint trades, which probably isn't what you want. If there was another quality metric for judging the goodness of a solution (such as total value gained or # of users trading) then the minimal solution criterion might apply to solutions with the same score on the quality metric.

Friendless said...

The BGG thread is here:

If we were to run this sort of trade as an event, then finding the biggest solution is required. If we were to run it as an on-going process, the smallest solution is sufficient, as we can then run it again. In any case, if we want a big solution we can find a small solution, remove those items from the trade, and find a solution on the remainder. It might not be the best solution, but I think any solution will be handy for us beginners.

Sandie Elsom said...

You're such a dork.

egb99 said...
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