Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Time John Did Not Play Yellow

A curious thing happened at Critical Mass last night - I didn't play yellow. We were playing Cloud 9 and I took blue. CyberKev was stunned. What happened? It makes sense in a bizarre sort of way...

You see I was playing with a Chinese lady friend. In China, yellow is the colour which represents obscenity - in western cultures I might watch a blue movie, but in China that movie would be yellow. So when I took yellow, my friend said "no no, that's yuk". She said it very nicely so to be cheeky I took blue instead - I don't mind which culture I'm obscene in :-).

I have a yellow Queensland Gamer's Guild shirt, I wonder how much she'd like that?

1 comment:

Sandie Elsom said...

The things you learn on the internet...